Introducing 'brAIn'

Subscribers to ‘What Did OpenAI Do This Week?’ will now get even more value from their subscription thanks to more original content with ‘brAIn’; the exclusive group of experts and execs from around the world that WDODTW will ask the questions that need to be answered to create robust strategies and push our thinking.

The ‘brAIn’ collective features a diverse group of +100 top journalists, individuals and execs from big platforms to professors, startup founders, agency folks, and more. Here’s a small sample of who is involved:

The group will be regularly asked to weigh in on meaty issues facing businesses, the world and the future when it comes to AI and how we apply it, train it and generally deal with it.

If you’d like to be considered for the ‘brAIn’ collective, drop us a line and subscribe today to make sure you don’t miss an issue of ‘brAIn.